15–17 Sept 2021
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Public Talk by Prof. German Rodrigo

Professor German Rodrigo (CSIC-Valencia U., IFIC) 

"The future of particle physics"

When: Wednesday, 15th September 2021, 2 pm (Warsaw time).

Where: To attend a talk please use ZOOM:


(Meeting ID: 876 9648 9920 Passcode: fi9fj7)

Link to the personal web page of prof. German Rodrigo: https://looptreeduality.csic.es/













The talk is scheduled for about 40 minutes followed by a discussion.

Moderator: prof. dr Sven-Olaf Moch, Universität Hamburg, https://unith.desy.de/research/pheno/moch




Supported by the Institute of Physics in Katowice, COST Action CA16201 PARTICLEFACE and  Physics of Fundamental Interactions Section of the Polish Physical Society.