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1–6 Sept 2013
Europe/Warsaw timezone
Matter To The Deepest
Recent Developments In Physics Of Fundamental Interactions
XXXVII International Conference of Theoretical Physics


Every second year the Particle Physics and Astrophysics and Cosmology groups of the University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland, organizes the International Conference on Theoretical Physics.  This year the conference is organized jointly by the University of Silesia and the Polish Physical Society

The scope of the conference:
After the heavy boson signal discovery at LHC in 2012, nothing is the same in physics of fundamental interactions any-more. We understand now matter and interactions on a yet deeper level. In this conference physics connected with LHC will be the main subject. We expect many interesting talks and discussions about LHC activity, both on experimental and theoretical sides. This conference is to a large extent a part of the LHCPhenoNet network activity. Traditionally also another important topics will be discussed, which include low energy physics, neutrino and astroparticle physics, and cosmology.
The discussion is intended to be an important part of the lectures themselves. The conference will bring together physicists from a variety of backgrounds, both young scientists at post-doctoral level and senior scientists.
The conference is planned to take place in Ustron - a net small town located in Beskidy Mountains in the southern part of Poland. Accommodation and lectures will be arranged in the same place providing further opportunities for all participants to have informal discussions during leisure time and strengthening personal contacts.

Main Topics:
  • Tests of the Standard Model at LHC and other colliders

  • Low energy physics

  • Prospects in particle physics: new colliders and new theoretical methods

  • Beyond the Standard Model: new and old directions

  • Neutrino and astroparticle physics

  • Cosmology

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