The LHCPhenoNet unites throughout Europe young and energetic leadership in theoretical particle physics with emphasis on LHC phenomenology. The principal objective of the LHCPhenoNet is the training of the next generation of researchers in elementary particle physics. A key component of the network's training activity are the annual doctoral student schools, organized by the different network teams. The lectures at the 2013 school will cover main aspects of LHC physics and will be held by international experts in their fields. Previous school: LHCPhenoNet Winter School 2012 in Ascona, Switzerland.
Johannes Blümlein, DESY, Zeuthen
Paweł Brückman De Renstrom, IFJ Cracow
Sven-Olaf Moch, U. Hamburg & DESY Zeuthen
Thomas Hahn, Munich
Andreas van Hameren, Cracow
Stanisław Jadach, IFJ, Cracow
David Kosower, Saclay
Zygmunt Lalak, Warsaw
Costas Papadopoulos, Athens
German Rodrigo, Valencia
Peter Skands, CERN
Mariusz Witek, LHCb & Cracow
Local Organizing Committee:
Janusz Gluza, Bartosz Dziewit, Ievgen Dubovyk, Tomasz Jeliński, Radomir Sevillano-Borkowski (Katowice)
Andreas van Hameren, Stanisław Jadach, Maciej Skrzypek (Cracow)
Arrival day: 6.09.2013. Limited number of participants (50).